15 April 2009

Temperature Determine The Need For Water

8:03 PM by Wong Ndeso Go Blog · 0 komentar anda

Temperature and environmental conditions also determine the need for water. Working in air-conditioned room, for example, make you more quickly to dehydration (lack of water). So, drink often, especially when you feel the room temperature work up and down. Moreover, they make the skin quite dry. Changes in room temperature will make the skin dry out the room because humidity often not stabilized. Drinking water will help menetralisasikan influence change.

There is no bad impact because drinking too much. Thus the dirt-dirt will quickly exit the body through the urine out of drinking water due to many-many. In addition, water does not contain calories, sugar, fat or so healthful. Drinking lots of water can even cure chronic kidney disease.

For you that the diet program, the water naturally better than the drink-drink low-calorie beverages are marketed. One glass of two warm water before eating will make you quite satisfied so help reduce the amount of food that enter.

Meanwhile, for those who want to always healthy and avoid disease, the better to drink eight glasses of water (about 2 l) a day. The good is the water warm, not too cold, not too hot. To get the best results, drink two glasses of 1 - 2 hours before breakfast, two glasses of 1 - 2 hour before lunch, two glasses of 1 - 2 hours before dinner, and two large glass 1 - 2 hours sleep the night before . Make the discipline, the results will be visible in 2 - 3 months later.

Jim Jones, a leading food experts in the United States, also said, more people are healthy but want to forget the most simple drink, water, and white. They were even popular drink such as coffee, tea, or cola. They all thought it could replace the white water.

Thought is clearly mistaken. Water white to provide health benefits that can not be given by potables that kind. Even fruit juice is also full of vitamins that can not be replace it. Although important in terms of nutrition, but the essence of fruit does not clean your body.

Njajal Themes

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