23 February 2009

Tips to maintain skin health

11:32 AM by Wong Ndeso Go Blog · 1 komentar anda

Indonesian including areas where the tropical air temperature average. Sunlight sting that can stimulate the oil gland to work more actively, but the skin often experience dehydration. Therefore you should choose the skin care products that have high contents of water to maintain skin moisture, prevent dehydration and to anti aging.

To maintain skin health you should avoid direct sunlight, use skin care products that contain SPF. Adjust the level of SPF with the needs of your skin. If you doing activities in the open air (outdoor) use sun protector with SPF level that high, but if you are in the room, not exposed to direct sun, use sun protector with SPF value is low. A high SPF value womb have a higher oil side is bad clog pore-pore skin, so to prevent the skin to breathe free. Be careful selecting sun protective, high SPF value not appropriate for your skin type.

To get your skin healthy and beautiful not only on the outside but also need to be in the care of. Skin also needs nutrition, food that contains lots of vitamins A, C, and E is very good for the skin, besides adequate rest and exercise will also help the growth of the skin and affect the skin condition. Drinking water is the best choice, because water is a very important factor to maintain skin moisture, and for anti aging.
Njajal Themes

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1 Responses to "Tips to maintain skin health"
Anonymous said...
7:14 PM

Thanks for your information...
Nice blog...

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